nabeliwo hub

The nabeliwo hub is the place where all information about me is gathered.

About Me

Hi, I'm nabeliwo

My name is Hiroki Watanabe. I am a male born on August 3, 1990. My interests include programming, gadgets, interior design, and gaming. I live with my wife, child, and our pets: a cat and a rabbit.

By exploring this site, you can learn almost everything about me—from what I do on a daily basis to what I think about. I hope this site serves as a valuable resource in the following situations:

  • When someone wants to know about me
  • When I want to show my portfolio to companies during job searches
  • And more

If this site piques your interest, please feel free to contact me through any of the social media platforms listed below. I welcome work inquiries, feedback on my content, or even if you just want to have a fun conversation. Let's be friends!



@nabeliwo / YouTube
I review PC peripherals and gadgets.



@nabeliwo / X
This account talks about engineering.

@nabeliwo_2nd / X
This account talks about gadgets.


@nabeliwo / Instagram
I post gadgets, cats and something blue or white.


nabeliwo / GitHub
Languages and tools I use most frequently are TypeScript, Next.js, and React.

Tech Posts


nabeliwo / Qiita
I used to post often but will no longer use this platform.


nabeliwo / Zenn
From now on, I will post on this platform.



nabeliwo / Booklog
Here is a list of the books I read.


nabeliwo / GAMEMO
Here is a list of the games I played.


nabeliwo / Filmarks
Here is a list of the movies I seen.


nabeliwo / Annict
Here is a list of the anime I watched.